Slap this 100 mega pixel digital back on any old 500 film body, and you've got some mixed emotions.

Is the brand new Hasselblad 907x 100c really worth the money? Check out this studio portrait session for Musicbed, and find out for yourself if this new camera is really something. Thank you to Matt Champine for filming all the BTS on your Sony FX9. You made me feel so cool, and you gathered such great footy. Thank you to Erik Sohner at Spokane Falls Community College for facilitating this exciting shoot. And thank you to all the faculty and students who participated as crew, you are all extremely competent in the studio. Thank you to Lane King for trusting me with this project. I wish you luck in Nashville, and I can't wait to come see you play some steel at the Opry.

Hasseblad 907x 100c.

Check out the full photo session with Lane King in this camera review video about the all new 100 mega pixel medium format retro camera from Hasselblad.

1,000 mega pixel film scans.

Comparing the new 100 mega pixel digital medium format Hasselblad 907x CFV 100c camera sensor to traditional medium format 120 film negatives. With an Epson V600 table top scanner, I'm able to get a digital scan of these film negatives at 32,000 by 32,000 pixels. These files are so large, Adobe Lightroom and Bridge won't open them. Let's talk about my feelings and reactions to this comparison, and the experience working with film and digital in the same 500c Hasselblad camera body.


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